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A Physician's Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care - Participant's Site

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A Physician's Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care Video Page

Arturo Gonzalez: Attempted Suicide?

Arturo Gonzalez felt depressed and anxious about school. Arturo has been admitted to the hospital with, what looks to be, an attempted suicide. After the social worker, Carla Reyes, speaks with Arturo's mother, she finds out that Arturo has not been taking his medication as prescribed and she has been making him take additional pills to make up for missed doses. Dr. Brown is concerned that his failure to communicate properly with Arturo's mother may have led to Arturo's overdose.

Geraldine Williams: Managed Diabetes versus Peace of Mind?

Geraldine Williams is a 70-year old American Indian woman with type 2 diabetes and obesity. She'd just returned from Arizona where she'd spent 6 weeks receiving "traditional" therapy. Dr. Brown is concerned that she believes that traditional American Indian medicine will cure her diabetes while Western medicine will kill her.

Dr. Brown: Making Progress?

Dr. Brown discusses his patients' cases with his staff. Around the table, some of his colleagues' are amazed that Dr. Brown seemed to be asking for help while others are appalled that he seemed to be blaming his minority patients for the problems experienced. The staff talk about changes Dr. Brown could make in his relationship with his patients to promote better communication.

Nguyen Thi Lien: Dying from Embarrassment?

Mrs. Lien is at Dr. Rivera's office for a office visit. Mrs. Lien speaks very little English and she is accompanied by her granddaughter, Lisa. Dr. Rivera is using Lisa as the translator during the office visit. Dr. Rivera is concerned that Lisa may not be asking Mrs. Lien all of the questions properly and resorts to using one of their neighbors to translate during the next visit. Dr. Rivera is confused as to why Mrs. Lien is refusing treatment.

Maria Gonzalez: Going Crazy?

Mrs. Gonzalez doesn't have an appointment but insists on seeing Dr. Rivera. She speaks very little English but is obviously upset. Mrs. Gonzalez feels she is 'going crazy' after she fainted at the hospital during son's recent admission to the hospital for an overdose. Some of the office staff comment about Mrs. Gonzalez's inability to speak English while others commented about "high-strung" Hispanic women.

Dr. Rivera: Improved Communication

Dr. Brown knew the Friday staff meeting would be uncomfortable. Earlier, Dr. Rivera told him his "high-strung Hispanic women" comment was insensitive and inappropriate. Dr. Brown admitted that he was appalled when Mrs. McBride, the receptionist, said that everyone should speak English, but said that he thought that his own comment was harmless. Dr. Rivera told him otherwise.

Gebru Gidada: Not Welcome?

Gebru Gidada was not Dr. Johnson's patient but he insisted on seeing him. He wanted to speak with Dr. Johnson "man-to-man." Although they both considered themselves Black men, he and Mr. Gidada had very different histories and cultural backgrounds. Mr. Gidada felt it was important to reach the people of his community to address their health issues. He and Dr. Johnson discuss how best to reach out to the community.

Holly Ivey: One of Many?

4-year old Holly Ivey and her mother lived in a rundown shack. She had been to the emergency room three times in the past month. Mrs. Smith, the physician assistant, was angry because Holly was never immunized and has a history of asthma and pneumonia. Holly spends six days a week with her mother cleaning houses. Mrs. Smith works with Holly's mother to help manage her asthma.

The Whole Team: Building Community Partnerships

Mrs. Smith and Dr. Johnson were looking forward to the Friday staff meeting. They discuss the concerns about their patients with the team and discuss educating the community about health issues.